Cheese and spinach muffins

I LOVE these. My husband loves these and my two kids would happily eat them all day, for every meal. This recipe has been inspired by the family cooking genius, Annabel Karmel. I've tweaked a few things here and there as one does. I usually add mature Cheddar but I also flirted with Gruyere. I have a few more compilations in mind but there will be time for that later.

Since it looks like spring has arrived for good on our beautiful island, these muffins will come in handy. I love to curl on the sofa with my little ones and watch endless episodes of Barbie or Pokémon and scoff our muffins. They’re perfect as part of your picnic. I hope you'll enjoy them too.

350g plain flour
3 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp olive oil
2 eggs
220 ml milk
200g grated cheese
3 handfuls of spinach

1. Per-heat the oven to 220C.

2. Mix the flour, baking powder and cayenne pepper in a bowl.

3. Add the eggs followed by milk (both at room temperature) and mix together until the dough is smooth.

4. Add cheese and spinach and mix again.

5. Fill up muffin cases - you might need to grease them. I didn't last time I made these and had to eat my muffins with bits of paper stuck to them... Not nice, people. Not nice at all.

6. Bake for approximately 15 minutes.

7. Let the muffins cool down and enjoy!


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