Apple and cinnamon porridge topper

 Apples. Apple pies, apple cakes, apple crumbles announce the beginning of autumn. As a family we eat porridge most days so, for me, an apple and cinnamon porridge topper is the tastiest and the easiest morning option. You can add any other fruit you like, I often add rhubarb, plums or blackberries. Combinations are almost endless. This topper also works well with plain yoghurt.

1kg cooking apples

200ml water

1tsp cinnamon

Dark brown soft sugar to taste

1. Peel, core and chop the apples. Transfer them to a pot.

2. Add water and leave to boil on low heat until fruit is soft and falling apart  

3. Add cinnamon and sugar - this part is very much a “taste and test” part, you will just have find a combination that works for you  

4. Leave to cool and then transfer to a clean jar.


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