Sweetcorn risotto

 This is a lovely and warming dish perfect for chilly evenings. I love sweetcorn so I may have added ridiculous amounts of corn... you don’t have to!  

2 tins of sweetcorn

1.5l vegetable stock

1tbsp olive oil

Half a white onion, chopped

300g arborio rice

Parmesan, grated

Black pepper

1. Blend half of the sweetcorn to a purée. 

2. Heat up the stock. I use a stock cube. 

3. Fry off the onion in olive oil until translucent. 

4. Add rice. Mix with the onion and make sure rice is coated with oil. 

5. Add a ladleful of stock one a time and wait until each is absorbed by rice. 

6. Once all the stock is gone, add sweetcorn, stir through until it warms up. 

7.  Add some Parmesan and black pepper to taste. 



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